Six graphs filed by North Carolina’s investor-owned utilities provide insight into the state of QF interconnection in North Carolina.
Below, you will see two graphs for Duke Energy Carolinas (a Q4 2015 snapshot paired with a Q1 2016 snapshot), two graphs for Duke Energy Progress, and two graphs for Dominion North Carolina Power.
The clogged (and worsening?) state of North Carolina’s QF interconnection process is illustrated by these graphs. For example, in Q4 2015, Duke Energy Carolinas was seeing 58.3% of queued projects move from queue assignment to project completion in 629 days (or less); by Q1 2016, however, only 32.9% of queued projects were moving to completion in 629 days (or less). Similar drops in percentages of projects moving to completion within 630 days are depicted in the Duke Energy Progress and Dominion North Carolina Power graphs.
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