Brighter Future
A donation to NCSEA will allow us to continue driving public policy and market solutions for clean energy. Our work enables clean energy jobs, economic opportunities, and affordable energy options for North Carolinians.
Accelerating Clean Energy Policy
Your donation will help us represent the interests of underserved communities, promoting renewable energy and programs that can have a positive impact on all citizens of North Carolina. Member Engagement: With your help, NCSEA will represent our members, from the large solar installers to the new green energy homebuilder in a small town, creating a sustainable environment for all.
Advocacy and Education
We aim to empower more individuals, especially young people new to their careers, with knowledge and tools to be effective stewards of clean energy. Your contribution supports our outreach and networking programs, including our Making Energy Work Conference.

Charity Navigator’s rating system examines two broad areas of a NCSEA’s performance; our Financial Health and our Accountability and Transparency. Their ratings show givers how efficiently they believe we will use their support, how well we have sustained our programs and services over time, and our level of commitment to good governance, best practices, and openness with information.
Learn More*Adopted 1964, Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), Copyright AFP, all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from the Association of Fundraising Professionals.