Today is #GivingTuesdayNow


May 05, 2020

By Jordan Jones

NCSEA friends and family: 


Today is #GivingTuesdayNow—a global day of action to support our communities through the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. Back in mid-March (was that 100 years ago?) we shared with you some resources that the NCSEA team was finding useful and important as we entered the age of social distancing and physical isolation. Today, in honor of #GivingTuesdayNow, we want to share with you the ways that our team is supporting the community and staying connected, and encourage you to give generously to your community, in whatever way you can.


On the #GivingTuesdayNow website, the organizers list five opportunities for anyone to make a difference during these trying physical, mental, and economic times. These opportunities include:  

  • Support a Coronavirus response program:  
    • In North Carolina, there a number of emergency resource and funding opportunities available. Find one to support, financially or otherwise, here. 
  • Give to the organizations that you love most: 
  • Support the healthcare industry: 
    • The best way to support our health heroes is to stay home and continue practicing social distancing. Other ways that you can support healthcare workers is by: 
      • Donating blood 
      • Donating supplies 
        • Children’s hospitalsin particular, are in need of activities to keep their young patients entertained and supported while they are facing limited time with their families. 
  • Help out your favorite small businesses: 
    • At NCSEA, we’ve been trying to support the small businesses we know and love by purchasing gift cards to use at a future date, ordering take-out from these locations, and writing online reviews. 
  • Communicate with your community: 
    • Whether you write notes to the elderly, host virtual birthday parties, or participate in a virtual book club, utilizing the technologies available to bridge the physical divide between us is so important to stay connected throughout this time. 


Each of us are taking this one day at a time. Do what you can to support your community, and do what you can to support yourself.  


We’re still here—and we’re still in this together. 


Stay healthy,
The NCSEA Team 


P.S. Join the conversation and share how you are supporting North Carolina during this time by tagging #GivingTuesdayNow on social media. 


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