The North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) has just issued an order approving a settlement agreement between NCSEA, Duke Energy, the North Carolina Justice Center, North Carolina Housing Coalition, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) in Duke Energy’s most recent rate case. This settlement agreement offers opportunities to increase access to clean energy and energy bill support for North Carolina’s low- to moderate-income energy consumers through, among other things, measured spending on grid improvements that will increase the use of distributed resources; addressing grid congestion; a stakeholder process to ensure the public interest in rate design; and the creation of a demand side management/energy efficiency pilot program.
While the NCSEA team continues to work our way through the order, we are pleased that the NCUC approved the settlement agreement, and we are eager to work with the parties involved to achieve our mission of accessible, affordable, and reliable clean energy for all North Carolinians.
For a full summary of the order and our thoughts, please make sure you’re subscribed to NCSEA’s Clean Energy Insights newsletter.