NCSEA Statement: Senate Bill 377


March 27, 2019

By Jordan Jones

Earlier today, Sen. Harry Brown (R-Onslow) filed SB377, in an attempt to “prohibit construction, operation, or expansion of wind energy facilities” in certain areas of the state. In addition to Sen. Brown, the bill is co-sponsored by Sen. Paul Newton (R- Cabarrus, Union) and Sen. Norman W. Sanderson (R- Carteret, Craven, Pamlico). Below is a statement from NCSEA Executive Director, Ivan Urlaub.


“NCSEA is disappointed in this latest attempt to stifle economic development in eastern North Carolina, and we oppose any unsupported and unnecessary restrictions on clean energy opportunities in our state. The map referenced in Senator Brown’s bill (SB377) specifically states that projects should be given the highest level of scrutiny during the permitting process. The map does not support or call for a ban on wind or tall structures in any part of the state. The state already has one of the nation’s most stringent permitting policies, which is reinforced by a strong Department of Defense process that has proven to work effectively time and time again.”


For additional information on these important issues:

  • Learn more about the U.S. Department of Defense’s Sitting Clearinghouse, which was created by the US Congress in January 2011 and has been amended several times in recent years.
  • Read this op-ed from Admiral Dennis McGinn about the unnecessary SB377.
  • (Ret.) Lt. General John Castellaw’s op-ed & video discussing his military experience in eastern North Carolina and the DoD’s Sitting Clearinghouse process.
  • Hear from several local residents in Chowan County, including a farmer, school superintendent and Chamber of Commerce executive regarding their thoughts on a proposed wind energy project in their community.
  • Learn more here and here about the economic benefits of North Carolina’s existing wind farm, which is owned by Avangrid Renewables and supplies power to Amazon’s data center.
  • Read this letter from the Northeastern NC Chambers of Commerce expressing support for wind & solar investments.


Please contact Jordan Jones at [email protected] with any questions.


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