NCSEA Statement on Duke Energy’s 2020 Integrated Resource Plans


July 11, 2024


Yesterday, NCSEA joined several other parties in submitting comments to the North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) in response to Duke Energy’s proposed Integrated Resource Plans (IRP). NCSEA and our partners utilized the expertise of Synapse Energy Economics (Synapse) to evaluate Duke’s IRPs and propose an alternative. The resulting report demonstrates that the plans Duke submitted are not the least-cost optiondespite the fact that Duke is obligated by statute to offer the least cost energy planning scenario for North Carolina ratepayers. In our comments, NCSEA elaborates on the findings of the Synapse report and suggests that because Duke’s IRPs are based on inaccurate data, unrealistic assumptions, and flawed methodologies, the NCUC should not approve them and direct Duke to modify and refile their IRPs to present a cleaner and cheaper energy future for North Carolina.

In our Clean Energy Insights newsletter next week, NCSEA members will get an in-depth summary of our comments and the Synapse report. Check your membership status to make sure you’ll receive Clean Energy Insights and have access to the detailed summary and the alternative partial IRP developed by Synapse.


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