Summer Intern Series: Jess Seigel


September 01, 2019

By Jordan Jones

Hometown: Castro Valley, California


Education: University of California, Davis (BS in Environmental Science and Management) and Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment (Masters of Environmental Management ’19)


Worked on: DOE Grant, developing business models that increase equitable access to distributed energy resources like solar and energy efficiency


Future plans: Developing programs to help communities/utilities effectively integrate clean energy technology into the electricity grid

I had an excellent experience this summer as a Stanback Intern for NCSEA. It was a pleasure to work for an organization whose mission is one that is closely aligned with my own goals and values: to drive public policy and market development for a thriving and inclusive clean energy economy.


I worked with the Market Innovation team, leading efforts on a Department of Energy grant proposal to develop a framework for rural electric cooperatives that integrates inclusive financing, community solar, storage, and energy efficiency programs and expands clean energy access. I also had the opportunity to support NCSEA leadership in developing strategies and innovative utility business models that accelerate the adoption of clean energy technologies. Another highlight of the summer was collaborating with partner organizations around the topic of tariffed on-bill financing programs.


In May of 2020, I will graduate with a Master’s of Environmental Management from the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University where I have focused my studies on electricity markets, renewable energy technology, and energy policy and economics. This year, I am especially looking forward to deepening my knowledge and skillset in renewable energy project development and clean energy finance. I intend to use my experience from NCSEA and the Nicholas School to launch a career working with businesses, communities, and cities to accelerate the transition to a clean electricity grid.


A huge thank you to the awesome team at NCSEA for an unforgettable summer!


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