Competitive energy solutions for North Carolina

Solar Rebate Program Overview

A Growing Demand

NCSEA was pleased with the intention of the rebates program to jumpstart the residential and small commercial solar markets in North Carolina. Since then, it has become clear that demand for residential and commercial rebates has drastically exceeded supply.


The supply of residential and commercial rebates exhausted within two weeks of the opening of the application period


The supply was exhausted within one and a half hours


The supply was exhausted within twenty-one minutes


The NCUC enacted changes to the rebates program that decreased rebate size, implemented a lottery system rather than first-come-first-served allocation, and altered the application schedule so that rebate offerings would occur biannually in January and July. Demand for rebates remains high, and in its most recent offering Duke reserved a total of 777 rebates with an associated installed capacity of approximately 9,208 kW.

Program Conclusion

Throughout the past four years of rebate program implementation, NCSEA has fought to ensure the program benefits customers as intended by HB589, and various changes have been made to the program over time. The rebates program is slated to conclude by Dec. 31, 2022.


July 9, 2018

The Solar Rebate Program launched, and the online application portal opened.

September 20, 2018

Order issued modifying the first year of the Solar Rebate Program.

January 2, 2019

The Solar Rebate Program opened for the 2019 calendar year. 

Program Deployment

  • The rebate is available for the first 10 kW of residential installations and the first 100 kW of non-residential installations.
  • The rebate program represents a combined 20 MW of installed capacity per year for the next five years for Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC) and Duke Energy Progress (DEP). Each year, 10 MW will be reserved for residential consumers and 5MW will be reserved for non-profit organizations, which can include schools, places of worship, etc.

Rebate Per Customer Type